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dōTERRA Oil 2020 Life

Randi's dōTERRA Oils Series!

Current oils in use, background research and personal meaning.

My dōTERRA life story:

I have been a wholesale loyalty dōTERRA member and Wellness advocate since 2018. My Starbucks co-worker at the time finally took the plunge to become a full on dōTERRA rep and set up a party for us to come learn about the oils. I was drawn to utilizing natural and unadulterated products causing less damage to our bodies and the world we live in and therefore needing less (chemicals, plastics etc.) I am not living this out to its nth degree, but I'm on this type of journey and so far using the dōTERRA oils I have survived toxic, dysfunctional, stressful, anxiety-producing environments and experiences, shared head ache remedies, neutralized stomach aches and cultivated a calming atmosphere in my workplace, provided energizing, peaceful, relaxing and restorative massages for my family members during hospital stays and vacations, soothed my husband's post-car accident pains day to day.

What to expect in this current blog series:

I have not yet reached a point in my journey where I want to put forth energy in selling the oils. So far in my experience I have just invested in them to bless myself, my family, co-workers and friends with what I am currently using at the time. I am a prayerful person, depending on my God to provide all I need including my identity, direction, purpose etc. and in my meditative times in His presence I have discerned to research further into these oils I already possess for two purposes; 
  1. to layout for myself how to use them practically to their full potential and 
  2. to memorize a corresponding scripture that I can recite over my spirit whenever I use the oil. 
Each post will have the oil name, my personal experience with the oil thus far, the background research and finally my chosen corresponding scripture along with a 2020 vision or goal in using this oil. You will know the order of my posts based on the posts being titled with the oil's name and going through them in alphabetical order. The main practical uses for these pure oils are to 
  1. diffuse with water in an essential oil diffuser
  2. directly apply to skin after diluting with a carrier oil (i.e. fractionated coconut oil) from a roller-ball bottle
  3. add drops into your beverage (most likely just water) within a ceramic, glass or steel container (cup, bottle etc.) 

I personally choose dōTERRA because they have the purest oils, heavily scientifically tested for this title and are safe to ingest or apply to skin if the instructions on the bottle suggests to do so.

You are welcome to reach out to me directly to clarify any or all of what I said, but this is a context for why I have put together this blog series. You can support me by shopping for oils at my store!


Current Oils (in alphabetical order):

Black Spruce
Citrus Bloom
Deep Blue
Pink Pepper
Wild Orange



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